By Artist of Eos
The sale of proxies is strictly prohibited by Wizards of the Coast LLC.
When you choose to download a free digital proxy from this website you agree not to sell, trade or gain any assets from it's further distribution.
All art used in this website and the art used in cards in this gallery belongs to it's respective creator.
How to Print Proxies
Printing proxies can be as easy or as complex as you
want it to be. If you're savvy with printing then you
probably won't have any issues, but if you aren't well versed in the world of paper weight, color gamut and die cutters, but you want to have your own beautiful paper proxies there are many companies that print custom cards for a pretty fair price. My personal choice of printing companies is: Make Playing Cards.

About This Gallery
This is a free digital gallery of Magic: the Gathering proxy cards. Proxies are cards used in place of an actual card during game play. They were originally intended for use in tournament play when a real card became unusable, but only when they are given by an official Judge. In other words don't expect to use a custom proxy in tournament play.
Why Use Proxies?
In recent years proxies have become a way to go about stylizing your deck with alternate art or a more attractive card frame, and that is what this gallery is all about; you have free access to a wide and diverse selection of proxies of various types and styles to use and print for yourself if you desire.

Content Status
This gallery is a personal project that I created as my senior project. I don't do commissions or giveaways (yet) since I'm busy with school and life in general and I can't sell any of my proxies under the copyright set by Wizards of the Coast LLC. I try my best to release a few proxies per week if not more, but as I said I am busy and my pace may slow at times.
It is strictly prohibited to sell, trade or gain assets from the distributions of proxies. Once you download a proxy from this website you are completely liable for your actions and no responsibility will be taken by owners of this website for any illegal distribution of its proxies.